ASTC Accreditation

I instigated the current round of Accreditation discussions, culminating with what I believed to be a quite reasonable discussion paper. I know the effort put into the proposal and I know the passion with which the ASTC Westies group approached the discussions, and I was also aware of the collective experience the ASTC Westies group had available. The cross section of skills, experience and background was unique because of the breadth of technical writing experience, including internationally acclaimed specialists within their respective fields.

I would like to see the Accreditation issues move forward; constructively, systematically and collaboratively.

This dissertation is summarised, it does not carry with it full research, and does not entirely elucidate my arguments. I hope it provides some answers about where I stand and demonstrates my understanding. I welcome constructive and useful discussion that is meant to assist us in future direction.

I will not tolerate or respond to personal attacks, derogatory or offensive comments from anyone. If you cannot be constructive, keep it to yourself.

Who Am I Exactly?

Industry Problems

Accreditation for Australian Technical Communicators as a Process

Education as a Benchmark for Australian Technical Communication

One Or Many Organisations?

Where to Now?

A Possible Direction, Or Two

A Direction proposed by the ASTC Westies

A Direction proposed by Steve Hudson

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